Joe Badaczewski

Senior Software Engineer at SoftWriters

BA in Digital Media Arts + MS in Multimedia Technology from Duquesne University



active development

Interplanetary macroeconomic simulator with RPG and turn-based strategy elements

Built with: TypeScript, React, React Native, Nx, Three.js, React Three Fiber, NestJS, WatermelonDB, MongoDB

Deployed using: Docker and

Principles: Cross-platform (web + native mobile), offline-first


active development

General purpose achievement tracker

Built with: TypeScript, React, React Native, Nx, NestJS, WatermelonDB, CouchDB, Keycloak

Principles: Self-hostable with Docker Compose, Cross-platform (web + native mobile), offline-first


Programming on Github

Apr 24th end working on moving the camera between opposite poles [hexasphere]

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Rating movies using Showly

Jan 12th Inception

My ratings

Continuing education and taking notes

I just started a course on generative AI and LLMs offered by Coursera. The first few videos are an introduction to the use cases and theory of LLMs. Topics covered include the business applications of LLMs, overview of terminology like "transformers" and "fine-tuning a model", and type of LLMs (Llama, GPT, etc.). Overall, this session described the types of interactions humans have with LLMs (inputs and outputs) and the types of tasks LLMs are proficient at performing.

One particularly interesting topic covered was "attention weights". At a high level, "attention weights" enable an LLM to encode/decode complex language constructs (like the relevance of certain words in relation to other words in a sentence)

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